Contact & Directions

Phone: 619.298.9978 (Church Office - Leave Message)
Address: 4190 Front Street, San Diego CA 92103. LGT performs on the campus of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego.

Special Directions: We can be a bit tricky to find! 

While the address is 4190 Front Street, LGT and the First UU Church are not visible or accessible by auto from Front Street. The church is located across the street from the UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest.
We are located on San Diego MTS Bus Route 3.

Driving Directions

Note: From Washington St., 1st Ave. is one-way north and Front St. is one way south.
Note: for GPS, use 298 West Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103.

From Highway 163 southbound, take the Washington Street West exit. Continue until First Avenue, where you should turn right…

From Highway 163 northbound, take the Washington Street East exit (only exit). Get into your far right lane and make a U turn at Cleveland Avenue. Now heading West on Washington, turn right onto First Avenue...

From Interstate 5, take Washington Street exit. At the exit light, turn onto Washington Street, (southbound turn left, northbound turn right). Proceed up the hill into the neighborhood of Mission Hills. Turn left onto First Avenue...

...Once on First Avenue, proceed three blocks. The street will end, forcing you to turn left onto Arbor Drive. Go One block. Entrance to the church parking lot is ahead on the left, directly across from the UCSD Medical Center main entrance.

Driving Directions